This is one of the cards from the Illuminati card game, created in the nineties. Look familiar?
Tricky Dicky and Rotten Ronny
This is Bohemian Grove, where the Elite go to worship Molech and perform occult rituals. Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon were invited to this particular party, before either of them were selected to be president.
I consider myself to be a truth-seeker. The purpose of this blog is, first and foremost, to expose gibronism in all it's vile forms. But also to share some of the knowledge I've managed to gather during the last year or so, which is how long I've been aware of the fact that most all truth is hidden from us, and it needs to be earned through diligent and serious examination of all information we can access. Also, hopefully by posting blogs here I'll be able to communicate with others who have a desire for understanding and stimulating debate, as opposed to group-think and little kid argument techniques.
This is Prescott Bush, Grandfather of George W. Bush. He was accused of treason, and his company was shut down under the Trading With The Enemies act during WWII. He helped launder money for the Nazis. Adds a lil substance to that old slogan, "Bush is a Nazi" huh, Gibronies?
This is Physics
This is one of the severed core columns from the wreckage of ground zero. Notice the diagonal cut. That's a standard telltale sign of a controlled demolition. Thermate is commonly used to cut through steel in such a fashion.
What's your explanation?
This is the area of the tower where the plane hit. We are told that the planes and black boxes were utterly destroyed due to the temperatures. Observe the two American martyrs in the bottom right corners and ask yourself how a man could stand in a place too hot for planes.
This is a photo of a real plane that hit a wall at near ground level. Note the broken wings resting in plain sight.
This is an image of the damage to the facade of the pentagon on 9/11. The superimposed image of the plane is accurately scaled. What happened to the wings? If they burned up inside the building there should be damage to the facade. If they broke off beforehand they should have been found on the ground.